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Racing + Some other thing


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Racing: um.. it's racing. what do you want me to say dammit!?

Player 1 sends request to server for a race,

Player 1 recieves "Request granted"

or "Request not granted. Other race in progress."

everyone sees the message "Race preparing from ... to ...! Waiting for ... players."

Player 1 sends request to start race at his discretion.

everyone sees message "3" "2" "1" "Go Go Go!"

after a few minutes, if player 1 doesn't start the race, then the race forgotten/cancelled, and a new race can be created. (must add option for player to cancel race.)

Some other thing:

I noticed that cars do not spawn, until they have been destroyed.

So, there could be a server option so that after ... minutes of being away from their starting spot, they go boom, and respawn. (or ... minutes after not being in use AND being away from their spawn spot)

It's annoying having all the bikes sitting on a roof no one can access, And having to wait for a crash to occur, so everyone can use bikes again. :)

Edited by Guest
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I set up street races just through the Talk function in-game.

Cerbera: "Go to Ocean View Hotel for race start."

Cerbera: "Line up at traffic lights, face North."

Cerbera: "Where to race to?"

illspirit: "sunshine autos?"

Cerbera: "OK. on my countdown"

Simple, isn't it? Setting up the proper cannonball runs like the Sunshine Auto routes would be welcome, though require the mission code to be well syncronised to return the name of the person who crossed the finish trigger first.

If a proper cannonball run is made, I'd want it to be made GTA1-style, where you just have a few checkpoints a long way apart and can therefore take very different routes to get between them. :lol:

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why just dont make a race server? so you make a new island (not so big) and you respawn at a car park and like countdown to next race at one place, then you stand their and after ..3..2..1..go you race at a big and long road :) and NO WEAPONS on the server AND no modded handle.cfg :) then its perfecto..

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