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Public Gambling Script - PGS1.0 Out Now!


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Ok, Ive started a new topic here since ive made a start on the script.

Im still open to ideas b4 the release tho.

As of yet, im making the script as a stand alone,but i may be releasing another version later for PRS users, which will have use of the 3 game modes (Race/DM/RS-DM)

Added so far:

$5000 cash on Join,

2 mins wating time on nick change b4 betting

3 players minimum limit before race betting

30 seconds of betting time before bets are stopped

cash earned for race ranks 1-6, (players - rank) * $50

1 bet per race per player. $1000 maximum bet limit

payout on winner = bet * (players/2)

!cointoss heads/tails

!banwords - add / remove any words from a ban file

!fine for use of banned words (random fine) payout to player who spots the person swearing etc

!transfer - only admins can transfer cash from 1 nick to another

PM's on or off for those who dont want to get involved with the script.

Im still after more ideas...









!cointoss <1-100>

!pms on/off







Admin Commands






The ban word function enables u to ban/unban any words, any players using these words can be fined a random amount by another player if spotted.

Please post any bugs or suggestions in this topic.

I will be releasing an updated version to work alongside the Public Release Script (MTA-PRS:1.1), which will include betting on DM maps, RS-DM maps, And the existing Race maps.


Edited by Guest
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That would be cool if u earn extra cash for toptime. 8)

keeping track in the gambling script would mean accessing the data twice, and having 2 sets of checks, (since its already accessed/checked on ur main script).

But this could be added into ur existing script, basically where ur script shows u have earned a top time, u just add the lines adding the cash along with a pm.

it would be something like this:

player gained top time {

var %a = $rand(1000,2000)

pgs.pm $1 $2 Bonus For Setting Top Time: $ $+ %a

pgs.add $mta.nick($1,$2) %a


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Wow dident expect a release so soon nice work i hope it doesent interfear with my other scripts runnin ill give it a go and let you know how it works thanks :D

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Wow dident expect a release so soon nice work i hope it doesent interfear with my other scripts runnin ill give it a go and let you know how it works thanks :D

Any problems or conflicts with ur other scripts, just let me know and i can change things for u. not a problem, it didnt take me long to make only a few hrs, i just waited as long as i could for people to post their ideas before i uploaded it.

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Wow dident expect a release so soon nice work i hope it doesent interfear with my other scripts runnin ill give it a go and let you know how it works thanks :D

Any problems or conflicts with ur other scripts, just let me know and i can change things for u. not a problem, it didnt take me long to make only a few hrs, i just waited as long as i could for people to post their ideas before i uploaded it.

It works great i just changed a few small thing so it works with my other script and i changed the time you have to bet from 30 to 60 sec .Havent found any bugs yet .Good script thx

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No probs, most of the things can be changed easily, also adding other stuff is pretty simple now too.

i'll start working on the version for PRS users this weekend, so it'll work with the other modes.

Glad to hear u havent had any probs:)

Btw, i only set it to 30 secs because some of my maps are under a minute long.

feel free to set it to whatever tho :lol:

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One serieus problem, some poeple are gambling and gambling all over again.. Every 2 sec we get a message... You have a anti spam warning on your script but is it possible to make it mute that guy after 4 times of spamming, cause if I change the text in mute you get muted already after saying 2 lines of tekst in 2 seconds... So your warnings will be stored in you will get muted after 4 warnings? Think that is a nice one.. Hope it isnt to much work and it can be fixed soon, thank you already :)

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One lil thing scooby :P Then I'll stop asking for scripts :roll: I've got a deathmatch only script, but its annoying !setmode all the maps to deathmatch.. Is there a way it will do it automaticly? Like when the map starts it will be deathmatch already?

u mean u only use it for deathmatch maps with no respawns?

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ok basically, there is a way. i gotta go to work now tho, i'll post what u need to do later on when i get home, it should only mean changing a few minor things, which u will need to learn how in case u need to change them again.

If u know your never gonna need the other modes, then u can change 'Alias prs.mode' to this:

alias prs.mode !return Deathmatch

of course this will make every map show as a deathmatch map.

i'll check later after work to see what u need me to do.

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  • 4 weeks later...

C-Bullets, if ur using GUS, then u can only use PGS:1.0.

Later versions will only work with the PRS due to the fact they are set up for use on Race, DM and RS-DM maps that arent compatible with GUS.

Sorry about that but GUS is very limited and development on it seems to have stopped a long time ago.

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