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i never realised that either. about small details, will blue be acble to sync the laser of the sniper rifle? that wud give it s nice weakness.

I'm not sure by any means but i thought the laser was just a red circle image.... rather than a beam. So people would see a very small red circle, not really worth syncing is it?

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i never realised that either. about small details, will blue be acble to sync the laser of the sniper rifle? that wud give it s nice weakness.

I'm not sure by any means but i thought the laser was just a red circle image.... rather than a beam. So people would see a very small red circle, not really worth syncing is it?

Well, you might not be able to see where it comes from, but it gives you a chance to run and makes sniping more difficult.

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if not the real aim dot, then some sort of replacement, having that as a warning to the target can make all the difference. the sniper already has a super advantage from being out of range of the taget, this would offer a little compensation for the people running around.

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