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    • hi i use west rp gamemode type of the gamemode is social gaming i have a problem with we_accounts (account-system) when i connect to server it not show me the account system to create character and i got a error from consol   luccas_s.lua:284: attemp to concatenate global sserial {a nil value} please help me  
    • Hi, I Want To Use Font Awesome On The Map And Radar I Use CustomBlips ReSource And CustomBlips Code From Wiki https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=960 https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Resource:Customblips I Make A New File Name AND Its 0-Blips And In It  meta.xml <meta> <info author="Khalid Mohammed" name="0-Blips" version="1.0" type="script" /> <script src="client.lua" type="client" /> <script src="server.lua" type="server" /> <file src="Images/Residential.png" /> <file src="Images/Industrial.png" /> <file src="Images/Medical.png" /> <file src="Images/Military.png" /> <script src="icons.lua" type="client" /> <export function="getIcon" type="client" /> <export function="getFont" type="client" /> <export function="getIcons" type="client" /> <export function="drawIcon" type="client" /> <file src="fonts/fontawesome.ttf" /> <file src="fonts/fontawesome_brands.ttf" /> <file src="fonts/roboto.ttf" /> <min_mta_version server="1.5.8" client="1.5.8"></min_mta_version> <download_priority_group>10000</download_priority_group> </meta> client.lua local cache = {} local fonts = { ["roboto"] = true } local debugEnabled = false addEvent("onIconsStart", true) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() local count = 0 local startTime = getTickCount() for i, v in pairs(fontawesome) do cache[i] = v count = count + 1 end outputDebugString("[FONTAWESOME] Loaded "..count.." icons! ("..(getTickCount()-startTime).."ms)") triggerEvent("onIconsStart", localPlayer) end) function getIcon(name) if cache[name] then return cache[name] else outputDebugString("[FONTAWESOME] "..name.." icon doesn't exists!") end return "" end function getIcons() return cache end local fontCache = {} function getFont(textOrFont, size, bold) local tex = false if textOrFont == "fontawesome" then tex = true textOrFont = "fa-" elseif textOrFont == "fontawesome_brands" then tex = true textOrFont = "fab-" elseif fonts[textOrFont] then tex = true else tex = getIcon(textOrFont) end if(not bold)then bold = "normal" else bold = "bold" end if(not tex)then return "default", size, bold end if type(tex) == "string" or (type(tex) == "boolean" and tex) then local font = "default" local firstLetters = tostring(textOrFont:sub(0, 3)) if firstLetters == "fab" then font = "fontawesome_brands" elseif firstLetters == "fa-" then font = "fontawesome" elseif fonts[textOrFont] then font = textOrFont end if not fontCache[font] then fontCache[font] = {} end if not fontCache[font][size] then fontCache[font][size] = {} end if not fontCache[font][size][bold] then startTime = getTickCount() fontCache[font][size][bold] = dxCreateFont("fonts/"..font..".ttf", size, bold == "bold") if fontCache[font][size][bold] then if debugEnabled then outputDebugString("[FONTAWESOME] Font <"..font.."> cache ("..size..(", "..bold)..") created! ("..(getTickCount()-startTime).."ms)") end else fontCache[font][size][bold] = "default" outputDebugString("[FONTAWESOME] Font <"..font.."> cache ("..size..(", "..bold)..") failed!") end end fontCache[font][size].lastUse = getTickCount() return fontCache[font][size][bold] else return "default", size, bold end end function drawIcon(x, y, icon, size, color, rx, ry, rz) if(not size)then size = 9 end if(not color)then c = tocolor(0,0,0,255) end dxDrawText(getIcon(icon), x, y, 0, 0, color, 1, getFont(icon, size), "left", "top", false, false, false, false, false, rx or 0, ry or 0, rz or 0) end local debugDraw = false if debugDraw then local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() local sor = 0 local hely = 0 for i, v in pairs(fontawesome) do drawIcon(20 + (hely*30), 20 + (sor*30), i, 15, tocolor(255,255,255,255)) hely = hely + 1 if(hely>40)then hely = 0 sor = sor + 1 end end end) end -- Military Police Blibs -- LV -- SF -- LS Military_PershingSquare_LosSantos_Blip1 = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1555.5009765625 , -1675.6103515625, 12, 12, dxDrawText(getIcon("fa-spinner"), sx, sy, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 1, getFont("fontawesome", interpolate), "center", "center"), 0 ) server.lua Nothing In It Need For This Folder icons.lua fontawesome = {     --- SOLID     ["fa-chevron-down"] = "",     ["fa-spinner"] = "",     ["fa-grin-beam-sweat"] = "",     ["fa-gavel"] = "",     ["fa-hand-point-up"] = "",     ["fa-kiwi-bird"] = "",     ["fa-home"] = "",     ["fab-monero"] = "",     ["fab-yelp"] = "",     ["fab-creative-commons-nc-eu"] = "",     ["fab-pied-piper"] = "",     ["fab-gitlab"] = "",     ["fab-cc-jcb"] = "", } Fonts Folder in it fontawesome.ttf fontawesome_brands.ttf roboto.ttf   Images Folder in it No Need For This Folder Residential.png Industrial.png Medical.png Military.png   I Use In client.lua customblip exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( float worldX, float worldY, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, string imagePath, [float streamRadius = 500] ) So Its Like    Military_PershingSquare_LosSantos_Blip1 = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1555.5009765625 , -1675.6103515625, 12, 12, "Images/Military.png", 0 ) Its Working In Map And Radar I Want To Change Images To Font Awesome So How to use: 1. Decide if you want the icon for a DX element or a GUI one. 2. Go on https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery and search for the icon that you want (pro/free). 3. Copy the icon UniCode that you want. 4. Now go in your resource and type: local fontAwesomeTable = exports['fontawesome']:transform("Icon UniCode here", "category", ID, fontSize) -- Replace `Icon UniCode here` with the one you want. EX: for youtube icon type `transform("f167", ID)` -- Replace `category` with the one you would like. (Brands, Duotone, Light, Regular, Solid); You can see them on the website -- ID: 1 - DX Elements; 2 - GUI elements -- fontSize is an optional argument -- Replace fontawesome with this resource name -- https://ibb.co/CVz2frq To see where the category and UniCode is -- FOR DX ELEMENTS dxDrawText(fontAwesomeTable[1], x, y, width, height, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, fontAwesomeTable[2]) -- FOR GUI ELEMENTS local button = guiCreateButton(x, y, width, height, fontAwesomeTable[1], relative) guiSetFont(button, fontAwesomeTable[2]) 5. You are done! I Now Use CustomBlips Code Military_PershingSquare_LosSantos_Blip1 = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1555.5009765625 , -1675.6103515625, 12, 12, "Images/Military.png", 0 ) And dxDrawText(getIcon("fa-spinner"), sx, sy, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 1, getFont("fontawesome", interpolate), "center", "center") To Military_PershingSquare_LosSantos_Blip1 = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1555.5009765625 , -1675.6103515625, 12, 12, dxDrawText(getIcon("fa-spinner"), sx, sy, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 1, getFont("fontawesome", interpolate), "center", "center"), 0 ) Put Its Not Working Can Some One Help Thanks                   I Forget Something I Take The Code From This Code local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() local interpolate = interpolateBetween(15, 0, 0, 30, 0, 0, getTickCount() / 2000, "SineCurve") dxDrawText(getIcon("fa-spinner"), sx, sy, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 1, getFont("fontawesome", interpolate), "center", "center") end)    
    • Hello, you need an event to trigger your function. You could use onPlayerDamage if your script is server side, or onClientPlayerDamage if its client side.
    • Hello, I'm trying to make a script which checks your health and if it equals to zero, it would write your health in the chat. Code: Code: function health()     if getElementHealth(localPlayer) == 0 then         outputChatBox(getElementHealth(localPlayer))     else         outputChatBox("Your Health is above 0.")     end end But it doesnt really do anything. I have already tried adding the next line under the last end: health() But sadly, didn't work. Thank you if you help me!
    • Hi, I would like the tram to stop at the given coordinates for 5 seconds and then continue to the next ones, it works at the first stop, but then it stops after the coordinates tram = createVehicle(x,y,z) local stops ={ {x = -2265.1001, y = 701.59998, z = 48.3}, {x = -2264.8, y = 1030.9, z = 82.7}, {x = -1986.2, y = 1287.3, z = 6}, {x = -1668.9, y = 1252.6, z = 6}, {x = -1581.3, y = 981.09998, z = 6}, {x = -1779.6, y = 929.09998, z = 23.7}, {x = -2006.3, y = 882, z = 44.3}, {x = -1601.1, y = 840.59998, z = 6.5}, {x = -1681.8, y = 734.09998, z = 20.4}, {x = -1869.3, y = 608.40002, z = 34.1}, {x = -2006.6, y = 154.2, z = 26.5}, {x = -2234.7, y = -70.1, z = 34.2} } local currentStop = 0 local nextStop = 1 local isStopped = false function moveTramToNextStop() if not isElement(tram) then return end local currentX, currentY, currentZ = getElementPosition(tram) local nextX, nextY, nextZ = stops[nextStop].x, stops[nextStop].y, stops[nextStop].z local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(currentX, currentY, currentZ, nextX, nextY, nextZ) local speed = 0.2 if distance < speed then if not isStopped then isStopped = true setTimer(function() isStopped = false currentStop = nextStop nextStop = (nextStop % #stops) + 1 end, 5000, 1) end else isStopped = false local ratio = speed / distance local newX = currentX + (nextX - currentX) * ratio local newY = currentY + (nextY - currentY) * ratio local newZ = currentZ + (nextZ - currentZ) * ratio setElementPosition(tram, newX, newY, newZ) end end setTimer(moveTramToNextStop, 50, 0)  
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